Natural gas flows through high-pressure pipelines around the globe, enabling access to a cheap, productive resource that fuels society.
The pressure at which gas moves through pipelines exceeds usable levels for end-users. Regulating stations are installed to reduce pressure to acceptable levels.
Regulating stations are inefficient. In reducing the gas pressure to an acceptable pressure, they waste a considerable amount of energy.
Our Solution
Anax Power repurposes this excess pressure to generate gigawatts of clean, cost-effective energy across the globe.
500 kW Anax Turboexpander (ATE-500)
The ATE-500 harnesses wasted energy in natural gas regulating stations to generate clean electricity. It is an innovative, efficient addition to the existing natural gas infrastructure that provides clean power to energy-intensive manufacturers, independent power producers, natural gas pipeline companies, and more.
No Carbon Emissions
Converting excess pressure in our natural gas infrastructure to electricity is clean and efficient with the ATE-500. No combustion, no emissions.
Excellent ROI
No fuel cost. Minimal manufacturing, engineering, and installation costs.
Zero Downtime
Generates clean energy around the clock, 24/7 without relying on the wind or sun.
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Independently Evaluated by GTI
In 2017, GTI was commissioned by Anax to participate in performance and safety testing of the ASTE250 GLG*. Testing was conducted by Anax at the DNV-GL Flow Centre in accordance with a test plan developed with GTI. Upon independent evaluation of the test results, GTI opined the ASTE250 demonstrated technical feasibility and safe operation.
* ASTE250 was a prototype for ATE-500
Safe & Easy Integration
The ATE-500 easily integrates with your existing safety infrastructure, enabling a seamless bypass in the unlikely case of a fault.